Anime Reel – Anime & Manga TV News

Posts Tagged ‘twitter

Three new anime shows were announced recently, in vastly different ways.

Persona 4 The Animation. The title pretty much says it all.

The most recent announcement, via a teaser website, was Persona 4 The Animation, based on the game of the same name. The cast stays the same as the game as well. Animation production will be done by AIC Asta (Sora no Otoshimono series), and the director is Kishi Seiji (Angel Beats!).

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica, probably the most-talked-about new show of the season, has been delayed again. No reason was given on the official web page, but it seems clear that the effects of the huge earthquake and tsunami and nuclear emergency are still being felt.

Madoka, Kyoko, Sayaka, and QB

We'll keep waiting for your return.

Episode 11 was delayed last week due to the effects of the quake; script writer Urobuchi Gen mentioned on his personal twitter account that even on normal weeks Shaft (the animation production company) would deliver the finished product to TV stations within hours of airtime. So speculation is that they were not able to deliver it on time this time. He did imply (in responding to another question) that the script and voice recording were done for episodes 11 and 12.

As fans, pretty much all we can do is wait, and hope that things are going OK over there.

So, have you watched Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can’t Possibly Be This Cute) episode 12 True Route? Did you think, “They can’t possibly end it like this!” Well, you’re right, and help is on the way. In the form of at least three more streamed episodes.

Picture only vaguely related to the story.

Episode 13, “Ore no kouhai ga konnani kusatteru wake ga nai” (My junior can’t possibly be this rotten) will be available in the last week or so of March. Episodes 14 and 15 are in production and are due to be released in April and May, respectively. No titles are available for 14 and 15 yet.

Kirino and Kuroneko, on their previously-mentioned twitter accounts, hinted at the contents of next month’s episode 13. In particular, Kuroneko mentioned that a new girl will be introduced. Hmm, I wonder who that could be… Well, we have about a month before we can see for ourselves.

Recently Twitter has been gaining traction in Japan, as 140 characters is not nearly as much of a limitation in Japanese as it is in Roman alphabet-based languages. In fact, as 2010 clicked over into 2011 on Japan Standard Time, Japan set a new record of 6939 tweets per second as people wished each other a Happy New Year. The previous record was in June, when Japan beat Denmark in the World Cup.

So now almost all Japanese companies have Twitter accounts, and anime companies are no exception. One relatively new phenomenon is in-character Twitter accounts, where anime characters will actually tweet as themselves.

Kuroneko's Twitter account stats

Kuroneko has more followers than you, but less than Kirino.

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Thanks, Conan!It’s been a slow news day today – Fridays are worse than usual on the anime beat because it’s Saturday in Japan – so I’ve taken some time to put AnimeReel on Twitter and FaceBook, to pair up with the existing SideReel presences there.

So, if you’re on FaceBook, you can join the AnimeReel group and join the discussion there. If you’re a Twitter member, go check out After this post, they’ll have more than one piece of news, I swear!